DHCP заметки

Обновить DHCP адрес на сервере linux

sudo dhclient -v -r eth0
Если адрес уже закреплен, необходимо его удалить.

ip address del dev ens18
sudo dhclient -v  eth0
Command Command to release/renew a DHCP IP address in Linux
ip a Get ip address and interface information on Linux
ip a s eth0 Find the current ip address for the eth0 interface in Linux
Method #1
dhclient -v -r eth0 Force Linux to renew IP address using a DHCP for eth0 interface
Method #2
systemctl restart network.service Restart networking service and obtain a new IP address via DHCP on Ubuntu/Debian Linux
systemctl restart networking.service Restart networking service and obtain a new IP address via DHCP on a CentOS/RHEL/Fedora Linux
Method #3
nmcli con Use NetworkManager to obtain info about Linux IP address and interfaces
nmcli con down id ‘enp6s0’ Take down Linux interface enp6s0 and release IP address in Linux
nmcli con up id ‘enp6s0’ Obtian a new IP address for Linux interface enp6s0 and release IP address using DHCP